If you've been following my blog at all, you've seen me mention her a couple times.
We met at our local Kaiser Mommy & Me group and have since become Mommy BFF's. She's the one who introduced me to blogging. After I told her I was stalking her blog and loved it, she encouraged me to start my own. She's been cheering me on ever since!
She's beautiful, loving, smart, HILARIOUS, giving...I could seriously keep going but that might start to get weird. :)
I'm so grateful to have her guest posting here today!
I try to blog about what I know. I try to keep it as real as possible. I blog about everything from holding on tight to my little one to the time I accidentally fed her jalapenos. I write about both the joys and the stresses of being in a police marriage. I love to cook and even make my own baby food. Sometimes I get a little crafty and dabble in fashion posts.
I want my blog to be a place where we can laugh together, cry together, and just be real with one another. I think I'm funny, and sometimes other people do, too. People like Stephanie here. But, I absolutely adore her so I guess it's all good. Isn't she fabulous?

It has recently come to my attention that all sorts of people are reading my humble blog: friends from high school, co-workers, family members, readers who have just stumbled upon this blog, etc. And I bet there are a whole bunch of Stephanie's friends and family who read her lovely blog. I love using my blog as a place to share my heart and I'm so thankful for the opportunity. I am always shocked when I find out someone has read my blog. And more than finding out someone is reading I la-la-love getting comments. Or Followers. Since I know that many of you who read this are not "bloggers" I thought I would break down how to do this for y'all so you can show bloggers some bloggy love.
It has recently come to my attention that all sorts of people are reading my humble blog: friends from high school, co-workers, family members, readers who have just stumbled upon this blog, etc. And I bet there are a whole bunch of Stephanie's friends and family who read her lovely blog. I love using my blog as a place to share my heart and I'm so thankful for the opportunity. I am always shocked when I find out someone has read my blog. And more than finding out someone is reading I la-la-love getting comments. Or Followers. Since I know that many of you who read this are not "bloggers" I thought I would break down how to do this for y'all so you can show bloggers some bloggy love.
First and foremost lets start with "Following" a blog. Following a blog is a great way to show your support to the blogger. On my blog you can do this at the bottom of my right sidebar as pictured above. You do not need to be a blogger yourself to follow a blog. Go ahead and click that button... you know you want to.
Everyone who writes a blog loves getting comments. I always get excited when someone tells me they are a new follower or new to my blog. Some of you have written me the most lovely comments and I am so very appreciative. I read every single one and, I promise, one of these days I will figure out how to reply via email to every single one (psst if you know how to do this let me know!) Below all my posts are my signature, a few links to other posts I've written, and a little number with comments. Zero comments makes me sad. Feel free to click on that little number to leave some love.
Anyone can comment on this blog. There are 4 different options on my blog. If you are not a blogger, feel free to comment using the Name/URL or Anonymous methods. Just make sure you leave your name (and an email address would be awesome too!) so I can know who the comment is from! As always, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I encourage discussion and debate but abusive comments toward anyone will never be tolerated or published.
At the top of my blog I have four other ways to connect. Each of those buttons will connect you to a separate page. From here you can access my twitter, facebook, pinterest page, and email. I love getting emails and answer everyone
I hope this post helps you out, not only with ways to connect to my blog & Stephanie's blog but to other blogs you love as well. And a big thank you to my mommy BFF for allowing me to post here today!
Come on over and check out my blog. I'd love to get to know you!
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