Since I'm on this journey of losing weight I decided I need to have something that I see everyday to help me stay motivated.
A lot of people hang up a picture or a bikini as motivation but I needed something more, something that not only helps keep me motivated but lets me see my progress. Thanks to Pinterest I found the perfect thing!
I'm not sure what they're called but I'm calling them "Weightloss Jars"
Here's what you'll need:
- Marbles or glass rocks. 1 for each pound you're trying to lose.
- 2 jars or vases. Make sure they are big enough to hold all the marbles/rocks.
- Something to write on the jars/vases. I used Glitter Glue but you could use stickers, paint, or anything else that will write on glass.
That's it! I purchased all of these things at my local craft store for around $25. I'm sure I could have shopped around for vases that were better priced but with a 1 year old sometimes it's easier to just pay the extra so you can just go to 1 store. ;)
My friend Danielle is making these too so in this picture there are enough for 2 sets.
1. Decide what you want written on your vase. For Example: Pounds to Lose vs Pounds 2 Go. Then practice writing it.
Danielle practicing on a paper plate.
2. Verrry carefully write this on your vase, or paint it on, stick the stickers on or however you decided to do it.
Note: If you went with Glitter Glue and you mess up, use Windex and a paper towel and it wipes right off. :)
You can't see it in this picture but my hand was shaking so bad!
3. Determine how many pounds you must lose in order to achieve your goal weight. Count out that many marbles/glass rocks.
43 rocks = 43 pounds to go. 8 pounds of which are already gone!
4. Put your rocks in the "Pounds To Lose" vase. If you're like us and have already lost some of the weight, move 1 rock per pound to the "Pounds Lost" vase. Ahh doesn't that feel nice!?
Now as you lose weight you will see the first vase slowly empty and the second vase fill up! And imagine how good it will feel to move those rocks over to the "Pounds Lost" vase!? I can tell you, it feels awesome! It's also a great motivator because the last thing you want is to gain and have to move a rock back to the first vase! AH scary thought!
For me, this is much more motivating then hanging a silly bathing suit on the wall. You can actually see your progress which is so inspiring. Not to mention they are cute and look great on a bathroom sink. :)
What a Great Idea! I love pinterest!
So proud of you two! xoxo
Great idea! I'm so impressed with your commitment and your progress!
That's a great idea! I am doing WW too! Every little ounce of inspiration helps!
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