Thursday, March 8, 2012

Weight Loss - Week 9

Start Date:  Jan. 5, 2012
Starting Weight: 198

Today's Date: Mar. 8, 2012
Current Weight: 186.3

Week 9: Lost 1.8 pounds
Total Loss: 11.7 pounds down!!!! 

 I was really scared to step on the scale this morning for 2 reasons; I wasn't able to make it to the gym as much as I normally do because Connor was sick earlier this week do I say this nicely? My "friend" is here this week. So you know what that means...bloating and sugar cravings.

I cannot even begin to explain to you how excited I was when I weighed in!!! This is my second week not tracking points using Weight Watchers and I've lost at least a pound both weeks! That's after being on Weight Watchers for 7 weeks and the last 3 weeks of following the program I didn't lose any weight. 

And if that's not exciting enough, today I realized something that I missed last week! When you first sign up for Weight Watchers they set some weight loss goals for you. The first is to lose 5% of your weight, I didn't even realize that last week I hit my 5% goal of 9.5 pounds! What a satisfying feeling! 

The next goal is 10% which is 19 pounds. That's only 7.3 pounds to go. Wow, that doesn't seem as impossible as it did when I first started this journey.

Even though I am down 11.7 pounds I've yet to see a huge difference. I wear a size 14 in jeans and right before I started this journey I had bought a pair of 16's because my 14's were getting too tight. Well I definitely can't wear the 16's anymore. My 14's fit perfect. I can't even tell you how bad I want to drop a size. I've been in a size 14 for yeaaaars. I wonder how much more weight I'll have to lose in order to be down to a size 12 jeans???

So even though I am not counting points, I'm still trying to make healthy choices and more importantly, eating healthy portions. I really believe that the most important thing to losing weight is portion control, even above working out. 

As I mentioned, I wasn't able to go to the gym on my normal days because Connor was sick. But I did go on Friday and today, and I'll be there tomorrow. Now that Connor is feeling better, next week I plan on getting back on my gym schedule of going every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

I'm exciting to see what the scale says next week!!!!   

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Don't worry about the jeans. At least you have some you can wear until you need a 12! Right?!?!
Good job Sunshine!