Sunday, November 13, 2011
Staying In The Moment
As Connor's first birthday party is right around the corner (31 days to be exact) I'm freaking out! I'll be changing his diaper, rolling around the ground playing with him or bathing him and all of a sudden it will hit me...that panic feeling, my mind races and all I can think is "It's going by too fast!".
Since the day he was born I feel like someone put life on fast-forward and I can't find the remote! As the days go by and he gets bigger, he literally grows right before my eyes, I can physically feel my arms aching for the newborn baby he was just yesterday.
It feels like just yesterday they put Connor, all 5.8 pounds of him, on my chest.
And now I look into the eyes of a 23.5 pound almost toddler.
As I write this my heart is racing just thinking about it. When people warned me that it would go by too fast; I would smile and do an internal eye-roll. Now it's me telling others and watching them smile and eye-roll.
So for now I am trying my hardest to enjoy it all, the big things and the little things: new giggles, new words, new facial expressions, slobbery kisses, snuggle time, everything. How does it still feel as though it's slipping right through my fingertips?
As sad as I am to see his infancy come to an end, watching him make sense of the world around him, actually seeing him learn is amazing. We have quite an adventure ahead of us and instead of looking back I'm trying to stay in the moment and enjoy the little things. Including his newest throwing. Oh boy.

on my mind
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As I have said before don't blink. It seems to go by so fast. I must admit I remember feeling the way you do when you were Connor's age. I never wanted either of you to grow up. I never anticipated then, how completely amazing and wonderful it is having grown children. I love you more. Mama
Aw, I got misty-eyed reading this! So so true. Amazing how fast it goes! I still can't believe that Lillian is close to 6 months now!
You guys are an adorable family. :)
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